At the airport

Listening intently as two guys are talking intently about business things and business deals, comparing technologies, a heated argument that could be in any movie.

I keep thinking “for work today, I wrote teasers for a series of Headless Horseman stories, studied blacksmiths, doodled witches, and read ‘Dracula’.”

Go into the arts, if you can, my friends. Maybe you won’t make mad-crazy-insane money, but my god, you will have fun.

The above hits me about once a week.


“I spent a few hours on this topic thinking about how to best position it so it will get mild traction and will continue marching on for a few weeks, then occasionally re-surface for more rounds.”


“I spent ten seconds on this, five of which were proofing, and it will explode, then go dormant, and then explode, repeating this cycle continuously for months.”

Every. Goddamn. Time.

Ah, the muse

Headed Seattle tomorrow.

Facing huge steps in the realizations of my ambitions and I am “mildly” terrified.

In my head, it is a piano song, and my fingers are reaching for the next key, and a brown-eyed woman who breathes smoke and water and air with equal ease is watching, and there is a stillness in the air that tastes of September lurching into October.

So suddenly I am reliving so many years all at once.


I’m looking for more information on Dia de los Muertos because I find the holiday mesmerizing and beautiful. The amount I know is a PALTRY SMIDGEN of what I want to know.

I received this note/link from huesitititos last night AND MUST SHARE BECAUSE IT’S AMAZING.

If you only have two minutes, then skip to the time frame mentioned to hear the soul-aching song. But then punch whatever responsibilities are in the face so you can re-watch the entire thing twice.


“It is a short animation that includes an adaptation of a very popular Mexican Character, “La Catrina.” She was first created as an illustration moicking the wealthy by José Guadalupe Posada. With time, this illustration has passed by many adaptations, including a mural by Diego Rivera, the branding and primary character of the National Museum of Death and “Festival of the Skulls” both in the Mexican state of Aguascalientes. Well, I was born in Aguascalientes and I can go on forever; I love the topic!

This is the entire animation. Between the 4:40 mark and the 7:40 mark, an adaptation of Catrina shows up singing a traditional song, “llorona” (weeping lady). This song is very old, has many adaptations. In essence, it pays many compliments to women and often has a tragic tendency in the lyrics. This one starts singing something along the lines “I don’t know what is wrong with the cemetery flowers, llorona… when the wind moves they appear to be weeping.”

Blogged on the weekend. Want to make sure it doesn’t get missed.

This whole notion of doing only work that you love has always affronted me but I’ve lacked the articulation to be able to explain my objections. Only the top levels of developed world society can really consider that as an option. Almost all of the world has to labor just to survive. It just has always seemed so snobbish to me to think that people should all aspire to having only rewarding work to do to support themselves.

I believe in the reward of doing honest work in an honest way—that’s satisfying to me, even if I can’t always say I enjoy it. My work is not significant or important on a global scale, and I know it. But I do it pretty well.

I’ve probably told you the story of my wonderful professor, Russ Kelly, in my first year of college. One day he brought in a newspaper article about the wage increase for garbage workers in San Francisco that had recently passed. He pointed out that someday, even if we did well in college, that we may end up doing something like that because it paid well and we needed the money. But he said that a liberal education is for the enrichment of your heart and your brain, and it’s meant to give you something to think about, and a way to think about it, for the rest of your life. And he said that if someday you work as a garbage collector, you can enjoy thinking about Plato.

That’s the kind of advice that was actually helpful.

My mom (who is clearly the best) in an email this morning. ❤ (via slodwick)

Hi Aunt Jilli! I sent you this message to your ask box because I really would like for you to get this message. I am a person with odd tendencies. Not exactly goth, but I am drawn to darker things. Recently I wondered what would happen if I had children. How do I raise them? Do I continue with my love of oddities, or do I tone it down? I have heard you do not have children, but you have friends with children. Could you give me some advice?


Surprise, I’ve written about this on the main Gothic Charm School site! 

Raising Babybats; Or On Being A Gothy Parent.

Raising A Goth.

I hope those posts give you some good advice. 🙂

Just found in my notes

My personal goal is to release 1-3 OBITUARY articles a week, and in prep, I try to write one a day (I have a 80-90% success rate) in order to create a giant back log.

I just found the outline for “13 Halloween Essays” with notes. Wrote this out months ago. Oh holy shit brew me more coffee.

Keep your old notes, my friends. Evil Supply Co. began, nameless and shapeless, twelve years before it was unleashed to the public.

Anyone who wants “Once Upon a Dream” in iTunes


If you bought it in the Google Play store yesterday for free, you can download it TWICE.

You only need to download it ONCE – to whatever computer you have iTunes installed on.

Once it’s done being downloaded, copy it into the “Automatically Add to iTunes” folder, and VOILA. 

(I’m repeating these instructions in case there are people who don’t know this feature exists.)

So those of us NOT in the Android ecosystem are NOT locked out of this little promotional offer. WHEE.

(in response to this post)


There is nothing I can accurately add to any lore about Dia de los Muertos. At all. And there is VERY LITTLE I can accurately report on.

When it comes to these sorts of situations, I’m going to find writers from the culture I want to talk about. It’s an amazing holiday that I (personally) cannot do justice — but I can find people who can!

One final note from Atticus for the day


I have on my list of “to dos” today to ship out a pile of orders, continue exploration on several art themes, practice drawing, practice writing, and explore several UX items (nerd talk for “how a website works when you use it”)

But I want to pause a moment and say something I have been meaning to say for quite some time.

This is both to the crew who help everyday, the advisers who listen to me ramble and keep me on track, and the ever growing audience:

Get back to work I love you with all of my cold, black heart. Thank you for everything you do, read, touch, build, draw, write, create, sew, explore, ramble.

We are at a point in history with the dark forces of the Abyss can reach into our world and pluck their way deeper into the hearts of the mortal and the fey in more meaningful ways than ever before.

We are building something incredible, something cold and protected with black thorns, poison green glyphs, something that hums in time with the rotation of distant stars.

Thank you.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s time for me to get back to work.